Here’s the deal, when we refer to miracle waters we are not playing. Our friends from Jubilee Ministry-USA started out to help the Director fulfill a lifelong desire to bring pure, clean water to his tribal community of Masara, about 23km west of Migori, Kenya, by funding the drilling of a borehole . For many decades our primary source of water has been streams and groundwater polluted with sodium cyanide and mercury from mining in the region. People and animals die from it. So Peter did the research and cost estimates and Jubilee committed to the project, but God had something more in mind. Instead of the 2 to 3 cubic meter flow estimated by the government survey, God’s miracle- working ability is producing an overflow of pure, clean, sweet, water in such abundance that it set a record for the country. The previous record of 6 cubic meters per hour was in Homabay County. The borehole at Masara produces 10, ranging up to 13, cubic meters per hour of water.
You can see it unfold in the videos below.
Masara Well Borehole – September 4, 2020
Masara Well Structure – October 23, 2020
So, as I said, what started out to be a sizeable, but manageable, undertaking for Peter Kelly and Jubilee exploded to another level, all the metrics changed. We needed storage tanks, a structure to put them on, and a large submersible pump powered by solar panels since there was no electricity. Oh, and the controls to make it all function, and no one knew anything about any of that. The cost estimates tripled. What could we do? We’ll we couldn’t go back, so God paved the way forward! The extra finances came in without even having to ask. The learning curve got pressed out of measure, and what should have taken a week took from September to mid-November to complete, and all of this during the restrictions of a nationwide pandemic. But one by one, God provided funds, contacts, information, wisdom, and clarity of vision.
Masara Well Installation 11-13-20
Masara Well Dedication 12-27-20
Today pure, clean, sweet, water is replacing the sodium cyanide and mercury laced water being used for drinking and cooking in Masara. The water is free to the people around the borehole, and efforts are underway to provide for the livestock as well. Springs of Relief has set up a water distribution enterprise to sell water to food vendors in surrounding “shopping centers” to cook with and sell to their customers. The revenue from the sales is providing income for SoR’s efforts in ministering to the disadvantaged. We call it Springs of Relief for Springs of Relief! We know that the time will come when the SoR bottled water will be sold around the country. Supermarket managers in Migori have already heard the story of the “sweet” water and have asked if it’s available for retail. Consider this, God imagined a ministry to the downtrodden and disadvantaged that would also provide jobs for people out from its own resources by distributing life-saving water to people who are literally dying from the water that they drink! God’s plan is amazing, and He’s bringing it to pass through the visions placed years ago in a young Kenyan and now a small group of people in Alabama. We’ve witnessed a miracle of God happen before our eyes!
The Springs of Relief Foundation is a part of Global Gospel Ministries. SoR is primarily made up of outreach to orphanages, the education of younger children through its own academy, provisions for widows, and of course now, the water. Peter is not only the Director of Springs of Relief, he is also a pastor, as is the Chairman of SoR, his older brother, Bismarck Onyando Ndisc. There are currently 15 Global Gospel Fellowship Churches in the rural areas of Migori County, stretching up into the hill country of Homa Bay County to the northwest.
The church that Peter has pastored for years, Migori GGFC, has been relocated from its cramped and deteriorating rented building on the western side of Migori Town to a spacious new facility located on its own property in the beautiful area of Nyamome, several kilometers away, towards Masara.
The whole story is quite a God thing! To be as brief as possible:
- Jane gave a piece of property to Peter to someday build a house on.
- A landowner heard of the kindness and made the adjoining property available to her.
- Jane and her family had to prematurely move into their new house with no power or water, and thanks to covid school closure, no money. Jane is a teacher.
- Plans for Migori GGFC to build a new building on rental property in Migori blew up.
- Literally within weeks, Jane has power and water next door to a new church built on Peter’s property. (You can’t make this up, and there is even more to the story.)
The heartfelt desire for a new facility was Peter’s, providing the funds for the power, water, and construction was assigned to Jubilee. Shout Amen somebody!
The New Nyamome GGFC
February 13, 2021
Nyamome GGFC Completed
February 24, 2021
Nyamome 1st Sunday
February 28, 2021
And then there’s the “Masara Electrical & Grinder” project. That is, bringing electricity to the property at Masara Village, and erecting a building to house a grinder or posho mill that the community can now access locally for grinding corn and flour. Not only are the people able to process their grains locally instead of having to transport them out and back, but the fee that is charged is also producing income for someone to oversee and maintain its operation with profits going to the work of SoR. God once again provided “The Team” with some new members and the desire, direction, and resources so that the project was fully funded and the grinder purchased back in March. The building was built in April, then the rains came, finally, the crews came, and then the engineers came, and finally now, Kenya Power & Light has energized the lines, and the meters have finally been set!
God has changed the life of an entire area!
Electricity & Grinder Prep
May 30, 2021
Electricity Installation
July 3, 2021
Grinder Operation
September 9, 2021
And Finally!
October 7, 2021
Another massive undertaking for a small ministry has been the construction of The Springs of Relief Academy at Masara. Through His “team” God has provided for the construction of two 1600sqft buildings, containing classrooms and the SoR Director’s office. The videos show the construction phases, beginning in May 2021 running to January 2022. The initial enrollment was April 26th, 2022!
Springs of relief Academy
May to September 2021
Springs of relief Academy
September to January 8, 2022
A Documentary and Thansgiving
JULY 6, 2021
Peter has put together another documentary for us, walking the path of the electrical lines beginning at the Pentecostal Church that his mother founded, headed east back to the Sori Rd, where it will be connected. You get a ground level view, some history, and some praise for the impact of what is happening!
Bringing water to Wang’aya!
Dec 1, 2022
The date listed above was the day water was brought to the surface from 180m down, after 2 days of drilling. And it was the culmination of what began in late September with a Word from God and an appeal for prayer. While ministering at a conference at the Wang’aya PEFA church, The Spirit of God spoke in and through Peter concerning this project, and he shared it with others. But how could the miracle undertaking at Masara be duplicated in Kadem? The answer? God organized and orchestrated, and barely 2 months later, the water hit the surface. Things got interrupted by the holidays, but before January ended the infrastructure and solar installation completed, and the official launch, attended by Church leaders and Government officials, took place. God has provided clean, pure water to the more than 1500 people around Wang’aya! Shout Amen Somebody!
The Staging and Drilling at Wang’aya
Kadem’s Progress 1-20-23
Kadem’s Finale 1-28-23